Bodega Vistalba

 Mendoza, Argentina

When you say, Carlos Pulenta, in Argentina, you’re practically expected to kneel and kiss the ring! Coming from a long genealogy of prominent winemakers, Carlos is seen as the godfather of modern winemaking in Argentina. Visionary in his own right, he successfully blended the intensity of flavors from the New World and the elegance and complexity from the Old World. In 2004, he created Bodega Vistalba in the local criollo style on his family-owned land in Lujan de Cuyo, having cutting-edge technology while remaining true to traditional winemaking. Known for his previous tenure at Salentein, Carlos is making waves with his exceptional wines, particularly with his Corte range! This is a must-try, consisting of three exceptional blends, made mostly of Malbec, from his single estate vineyard.


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