Argentine wines with old world complexity and new world elegance

Coming from a long genealogy of prominent winemakers, Carlos Pulenta is seen as the godfather of modern winemaking in Argentina. In 2004, he created Bodega Vistalba in the local criollo style on his family-owned land in Lujan de Cuyo in the Mendoza wine region, utilising cutting-edge technology while remaining true to traditional winemaking. Visionary in his own right, he successfully blended the intensity of flavours from the New World with the elegance and complexity of the Old World.

Carlos' daughter Paula shared a bit more about his innovative spirit:

"When my father built Bodega Vistalba in 2001, he was adamant on using concrete tanks for the fermentation. Back then, everybody was keen on the new stainless steel tanks, but he knew the benefits of concrete’s micro-oxygenation qualities – he just had to perfect it. He and his team developed new technology: serpentines built inside the concrete walls to permit the independent temperature control. Today, concrete tanks are a must in most Argentine wineries!

My father also wanted to show the unique soil characteristics of this particular district of Vistalba. Inspired by the calicatas (vertical cuts in soil to study differences in the vineyard), he created an underground tasting room with one exposed wall, so you can appreciate the soil composition in real life. You can taste our wines in our cellar while really appreciating the importance of this crucial element of the terroir."


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